Thursday, September 06, 2007

Core Values

January 1st is when people are to make resolutions for change and growth. After a couple of months the resolutions for change are just wishes for change. I never hear of anyone making a resolution at the end of the summer.

This past summer I has been such an inter core changing time, in my life. I have seen the need to upgrade three core values. The following values are ones.
  1. Being happy - I am not going to allow myself to be overcome by sadness and depression. It brings down not only myself, but my family at the end of the day.
  2. Knowing what's important - This has to with keeping a proper perspective on life and what is happening around me. I can no longer walk around with rose colored glasses.
  3. Maintaining discipline - Taking care of business in a timely manner. Doing what I have to do, and going the extra mile to make sure it is done right. Not just in my eyes, but in the eyes of those whom it affects, also.

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