Sunday, January 06, 2008

Bitter Sweat

Yesterday, I wrote about being up and then down. That was pretty much the theme of the whole day. It started feeling the pain of losing everything. As the day progressed the day got better. Then it finished off with having to deal with the mortgage company.

I try to stay positive for my wife and daughters sake. I know it must be hard on them, even if they don't say much about what we are going through. Then there are times all I can do is go to bed and sleep, just to cope.

When I turned on the television, a lady preacher talked about how we must turn loose of everything, before God can rebuild our lives. That seems to be happening to us. We are going to end up in a run down single wide trailer before things get better. Have we been that sinful? Are we so mule headed that we need to be broken before God can really use us? It must be!

We we are going to get the most counsel before we doing anything. We are going to pray. Look for the best possible alternative. I just want to pay the bills and put some money into saving.

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