Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday - A Plan To Seek Help

Well, it is Thursday. I am still alive. I have not committed suicide. I must stay positive. I have two other lives that are depending upon me. I must fight and climb out of this hole with every breath that is inside me. At lease we still have a roof over our heads.

Yesterday, my wife and I set a plan to help us through this time of disaster. I got a list of organizations that help people like us. Today, I am going to call each one. We really need to find out what we can do. We really need to keep a roof over our heads. We really need to keep our car, so we can get back and forth to work.

My hours at work have doubled. That is a good thing. I am just under 40 hours. My wife's job is continued until the end of January.

I really felt bad, yesterday, because I could not take my wife our to dinner. It was our anniversary. All I could give her was a hug and tell her how much I love her.

I am afraid to check the mail because of more bills. If we lose this place we can't afford to get in another one. Rents are what we pay for mortgage and space rent on this manufactured home.

I have some leads on blogs and other writing jobs. These I can do as a second job. Maybe just maybe this will bring in the extra income to get out of this whole we are inside.

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