Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Northwest Rain - Gobal Warming?

We all have been seeing the reports of the flooding along the Portland/Seattle coast. Just over a range of mountains, in Idaho they are have unseasonably warm weather of 58 degrees.

I remember in less than 1o years ago, day time temperatures verily would get over freezing level.

This is the warmest winter I have ever seen in the Northwest since I moved here over 10 years ago. In fact this winter in Idaho feels like the a winter down the coast south of San Francisco.

I don't think that this is just an unseasonably warm winter. I really believe we are in the middle of a trend. Al Gore is right. We better start doing something!

I see so many cars driving down the road that only have one individual in them. We could cut the green house emissions by have two people in a car. Or we could make an even bigger impact by just walking to work.

What are you going to give, planet Earth, this Christmas to reduce global warming?

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