Sunday, December 16, 2007

CIA or Google - You have no privacy

Who knows more about you? Is it the CIA or Google?

Stop and think about it. The CIA, FBI, or should better say Homeland Security is constantly gathering information about US citizens. The information armed with the Patriot Act is to protect us from another attack like 9/11.

Now Google is a different story altogether. Is a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange. It is a For Profit company. They give you search results, while at the same time they sell advertising and tracked market results.

Where does that leave you?

Well, I could take the stand of a paranoid person that says, "Everybody is out to get me." I could blow it off and say, "It is all just over reacting." However, I am at neither extreme. I am a realist.

I truly believe that we need to have safe guards in place to protect us. Information made public and held in trust needs to be done so with over site. As much as I hate the dirt showing of our presidential candidates, it is stuff we need to know. We need good impartial information to make informed decisions.

That is right. I am very middle ground when it comes to privacy. I do have some dark horses in my closet, but who doesn't? I do want to know who I am taking as a partner. But I do not want to read my neighbor's emails to his wife.

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