Friday, December 07, 2007

CIA - Human Rights - US Hipocrites

The world is talking about the interrogation tapes that were destroyed by the CIA. The United States are on its way to being labeled hypocrites. We are suppose to be the leader, the champion in human rights, but since 911 we are not.

Guantanamo Bay has become a home of suspects without trial or due process. The Supreme Court seems to be unwilling to help. Since the latest news of the destroyed tapes by the CIA, this just makes the United States look more like the bad guy.

We are going into an election year. Everything that can happen to make President Bush look bad is going to be all over the news media. But why can't this be a time of putting things right.

We did or allowed to be done, things after 9/11, that were reactive. After all who would could not react after seeing our airplanes taken out of our control and slammed into the Twin Towers.

Enough time has past. It is time to admit our mistakes from over reacting. We need to get back to basics. This Christmas season is a good time to do it. We need to start to treating others, around the world, as we would like to be treated.

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