Friday, December 21, 2007

New Orleans Still Needs Help

New Orleans is still on the road to recovery. After over 2 years New Orleans people are still suffering from Katrina. Money along with donations have poured into the area. It does not seem to be enough. Or could it be the money and donation are being miss managed?

People are rioting over the city destroying public hosting. The homeless population is currently double what it was before Katrina. It appears that people are forced to live in the streets while houses are vacant. Sure these homes may need work to make them livable.

Why can't these house owner offer a deal with the homeless. In exchange for staying in the house they clean it up. The homeless can do the labor while the house owner provide the materials to fix it up. This would be an arrangement that would benefit both the homeless and the house owner with rentals that are sitting empty.

It was mentioned to me that there is such a selfish level of corruption that the money for fixing up these houses from FEMA is pocketed by the owner. Tell me what you think?

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