Sunday, August 19, 2007

Horse Sense, Wisdom, Making Right Choices

Horse Sense, wisdom, and making right choices means basicly the same thing. The only difference is that each term is attached to a different generation and social economic sector of American society.

Even in today's world of fast and sometimes excessive communication. The communicating of ideas and concepts break down because the understood meaning of a word is different from one person to another.

I was talking to a client who was using terms, that she understood. I was unclear of what she meant. I let her talk for a while, in hopes to grasp the meaning of her words. Finally, I had to stop her and ask for a clarification. It turned out that I had the wrong meaning of her terms.

Her family and co-worker had developed a set of jargon, that sounded like it meant one thing, but in truth meant something slightly different. This is all the more we must make sure our words and their meaning are clearly understood.

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