Thursday, August 30, 2007

Help From God And Man

Walking on this planet and running a business can not be done by oneself. It takes help for God and man. In the 21st Century more than ever we must throughly believe, accept, work along the people that are around us.

Running and having a small business depends on people. Knowing what to and when to do requires wisdom from the creator of heaven and earth. If I push away anyone of these two invites only failure.

When I start out on the business full time, I was telling everybody I met. The reaction I remembered the most was from my pharmacist. He responded with the usual words of encouragement. Then a fearful look came over his face. In less than a minute he started to tell all the reasons why he could not start his own pharmacy. The over riding theme of his words were, that if he started a business he would be doing it alone.

I have vision but I need the help from God and the people around me to be successful.

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