Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bi-Polar or Just Human

Life has its ups and downs. Good times and bad times all make up our walk on this here rock spinning in space. When going through a rough spot one can question their own sanity.

It is rough enough working for someone else, but owning ones own business magnifies the good and bad times. That is why not everyone is cut out to own their own business. There has to be more than financial support. There has to be emotional backing also.

I know for myself there are time I question my own sanity. I feel like I am selfish and delusional just for having a business. It would be one thing if my name and face was not on it. Here in Boise Idaho, my name and face bring in more business than if I had some other name.

I may be bi-polar, I may not, but I am determined to make a good life for my wife and family.

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