Thursday, November 15, 2007

Paris and Six Drunk Elephants?

This morning when I was going through the morning news and trends, I had to stop and do a double take. There was a news headline about Paris Hilton and six drunk elephants.Images popped into my head of Pairs Hilton getting six elephants drunk and taking them down Hollywood Blvd.

Then I saw another posting on the internet of Paris Hilton doing a pole dance, in New York City. Man, that girl gets around. Talk about a wild child.

Where are her parents? What do they think about her crazy life style? They can not be approving.

Britney Spears is in the news again. If you like keep track of all these wild children and their adventures check out

Look at me, talking like my parents in the 60's and 70's. The only difference is that, today the news of our children's wild deeds get out to the world a lot faster.

Sowing ones wild oats comes with rumors and some pretty tall tales of deeds done. I just hope some of those rumors are not true. I hope the wild oats won't do any lasting damage. But Six drunk elephants being lead down Hollywood Blvd by Paris Hilton. That is just a bit too wild.

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