Saturday, November 10, 2007

Da Vinci's - Everybody Loves A Mystery

Leonardo Da Vinci was a man who had a power affect on mankind to this day. From the the Mona Lisa to the Da Vinci Code. and the Last Supper all contain a shroud of mystery.

Everybody loves a secret, hidden treasure, or code. Even down to solving a crossword puzzle. It makes us feel smart when we find it.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a smart man. I believe he knew very well how everyone loves a mystery. He used it to sell his painting. A great marketing tool.

In our age of information and computers, this same mystery/marketing tool is being used. It is called an Easter Egg. They are games, pictures, and other neat little things hidden in DVD's, pictures, and computer programs.

These Easter Eggs may not of have increase sales, but they keep people going back to see these little hidden treasures.

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