Monday, November 05, 2007

Pakistan and You

Some people are asking why should they be concerned about Pakistan. A country half a world away. It would be taking U. S. dollars that we need so badly here. Especially since we have the Christmas season so close and our economy is so bad.

On the service it looks like the old line of politicians leaders don't want a woman in power. Maybe the current leaders don't want to leave their position of power. I agree with the report from the BBC. The root cause is that Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf (if you can pronounce his name) has had several ruling against him from the the Pakistan courts.

What makes it so scary for me is that a group of men can for no apparent reason declare martial law, and then devolve the country's legal system. Pakistan police , even, used force against lawyers when they tried to reverse this crisis through legal means.

The bottom-line: No one individual or group in power has the right to change the rules if it does not suit their own agenda.

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