Friday, October 26, 2007

World Series - Who Cares

This year you can watch the World Series on the Fox Network. I can't even tell you who is playing. To be honest with you I am more concern about the fires in Southern California, and other current events.

If you are a baseball fan, you are probably calling me un-American. I am not. It is just that in our fast pace world baseball is just to slow of pace for me. I started to fall asleep in the last Oakland A's game I attended. Give me something like NASCAR, football, or even basketball.

National sports attendance along with the viewership on television says I am not alone. NASCAR is the fastest growing American sport. Football and basketball each have viewership that greatly over shadows baseball.

I hope baseball doesn't go away. I think they should change the rules to make it a little more fast paced. Maybe they could give the batters a little more advantage. Instead of a 2 - 0 game have the average game score 50 - 49.

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