Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Blackwater - State Department

Blackwater just wants to make money with their guns. The State Department just wants to smooth things over with very little publicity. The Justice Department wants to find law breaker and prosecute them. Everyone has their own agenda from their perspective.

The drama of gun for hire in a war zone is being played out in the media, and in Washington. Has anyone considered what it may be like living and working in a war zone where their are not clear boundaries.

A century ago war was fought quit differently. There was Side A and Side B. Each side had their physical control of land. Then their was a strip of land in the middle. That was called the Battle Zone.

Today, war has no clear boundaries. The Korean Conflict, Vietnam War, along with military actions of a prolong nature find soldiers of Side B living inside land occupied by Side A.

This I believe, why so many of our soldiers act out of character. Even the suicide rate of return soldiers from Iraq has the VA concerned. Oh well, just call it "Post Tramantic Stress Syndrome".

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