Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Have We Lost Wisdom?

It has been said that knowledge is power. Along with knowledge come responsibility. Some even believe that it is better to be ignorant. I disagree.

The world we live in is so big and complex it is impossible to know everything. So people have specialized their knowledge to their interests. Then they depend upon trusted sources to fill the gaps in area they know very little.

A level of knowledge is something we all need to have. That is known as wisdom. Wisdom is knowing how to use the knowledge we have. The old timers called it Horse Sense.

When I was young, everyone was expect to have a certain level of this wisdom. Today, people are taught it. These are classes given under the title, "In service training". Below is list of some of these classes.
  1. Conflict Resolution (how to dealing with difficult people)
  2. Sexual Harassment (how to act around the opposite sex)
  3. Financial Management (how to save or spend money)
  4. Safety Training (how not to get an physical injury)
  5. Interpersonal Skills (how to interact around other people)
Have we spend so much time in from the our computers, televisions, and game consoles that we have lost the most basic of knowledge?

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