Saturday, October 13, 2007

Life Takes Faith

Yesterday, I went on a service call where I could not understand why they called me. The problem was straight forward. Even through I did not open up the laptop and dive disassemble it to the system board, I knew the problem. It was as if they wanted someone to confirm the cause of the problem.

Later that day, I posted on Craig's List my surplus printer. I didn't expect them to sell, because used printers are a dime a dozen. The most expensive one sold before 7pm.

Considering the current down turn of the economy, it is hard to maintain a good cash flow. Owning a business, requires faith. Not just faith in my skills, but faith people will come knocking on my door, for work.

Faith is the bottom line. Believing that what needs to happen will happen. It is a much part of life as eating and breathing.

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