Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Spring Cleaninng is Not Just for the House

The weather is getting hotter. Fishing, hiking, and camping start to fill our idle thoughts. Before we can head out to the stream or favorite camp ground we must do spring cleaning. Oh Bummer!!!

This is when we have to go through the house clean webs and get rid of clothes that are worn out or two small for us. The family car gets a tune up as well as detailed cleaning. However, the family computer gets forgotten.

The family computer is the work horse that just keeps on working through abuse. The owners only give passing thoughts of cleaning the dust from inside the case. Once in a while mom will think about backing up the valued family photos from last Christmas.

Why is it that when it comes to Spring Cleaning that the one electronic device that runs more than our car gets only a passing thought when it comes to preventive maintenance. If anything is done, it is done only in a token state. Like our personal salve that will work long hours and dependably on bread and water.

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