Saturday, August 25, 2007

Black Fridays

Fridays is the day most people look forward to start their weekend. I am not one of them. Fridays for me is the day to expect things to go wrong.

In all my years, it has been a Friday than has delayed a vacation, weekend getaway, along with finishing work early.

My black cat is not the cause, or some evil curse. It is the mindset of myself and the millions of other people who want to get away from work. In the process of rushing to get away, difficult matters get worst.

What is the answer? Shall we just change the last day of the week to Thursday or Saturday? I really don't think that will do any good.

The only real productive thing to do is be aware of Fridays potential for problems. It is like the time between Thanksgiving and News Years Day. People are more emotional. They are easily distracted. Many don't think as clear as they do during the rest of the year. So it is with Fridays.

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