Tuesday, October 24, 2006

An Ounce of Protection

“An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure,” is one of those clichés that we have heard all our lives. When it comes to computer security, it is one thing many people do not think about or react in extreme paranoia.

A computer connected to the internet can be an open door to the whole wide world at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Cyber criminals look for careless people. All they have to do is get one of three things from you.

1. Financial information: Credit cards and bank accounts, with passwords or authorization codes

2. Social Security number: Social Security card number along with date of birth is all a cyber criminal needs to open a charge account in your name.

3. Driver's license/other government issued identification: A pictured identification is not that secure. Get a cashier in a hurry, will not notice that the picture is replaced. A fake check or credit card will drain you bank account.

This information is obtained by filling out a form on a fake website. Another good source to get personal information is by dumpster diving in the early morning hours for bills or bank statements that were not shredded. Businesses that are entrusted you privileged information have to practice a much lower level of safe computer habits

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