Monday, July 17, 2006

Why Do We Work Against Computer Security?

We are still doing the same-old, same-old. On one level security has not changed much. The main issues continue raise their ugly head over and over again. Companies and individuals may be spending good money, but they still have not solved the problem. Many of them need to have a catastrophic data loss or leakage before securing their systems. Security procedures and habits are only followed when the fear of public embarrassment raises its head. We move ahead in the jungle of insecurity hoping not to be eaten alive.

Users keep doing stupid things, too. Laptops are lost so regularly that they should be replaced by a desktop. When was the last time you heard of a desktop being lost or stolen? We should keep our data on computers large enough to deter theft.

I get tired of seeing surveys and reports of computer users who do not use or change their passwords on a regular basis. I will not mention the weak passwords that are easy to guess. Passwords contain wife's name, cat's name or favorite aunt are just to easy.

This is not just an issue with Windows users. Linux and Apple have fallen prey to security threats. In their smug little room they have challenged the hackers of the world to come after them. In 2006, finding a hole in Windows has got to be no big challenge for the hacker world. The serious black hat hackers have set their eye on Apple and Linux.

Law enforcement has taken an increasingly harder view of cyber crimes. Jail time has become the norm for cyber crimials. Congress has jumped on the bandwagon with passing tougher laws. Then why do we still see little change in the number of attacks each week?

Copyright © 2006 by E.F. Cussins

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