Monday, August 14, 2006

Getting the Word Out

A few years back I had the idea for writing a small book. It was to fulfill the need of low-tech individual and new computer user. I repaired computers, after a while started to notice a pattern. The users and computers with minor problems and those that had noting but problems.
Everything really started to come to light when I worked on two certain computers. The one computer was a mother who had nothing but problems from viruses and other malicious spyware. The other one was from her daughter. The daughter’s computer had very little trouble.

I not only examined the computers of this mother and daughter. I took note of computer and habits of other computer users. To confirm my conclusions, I read white papers and listen to podcasts from computer security experts around the world. Safe Computer Habits became the result of all that research.

I wanted the book to be easy to read and user friendly. I engaged some low-tech and intermediate tech individuals to read it and give me feedback on the way the material was presented. Then I took it to some friends who work in IT. They gave it two thumbs up. Mike Maxwell of Tech Help Weekly, in Austin TX raved about Safe Computer Habits on his podcast.

Now, I am getting an independent publisher/agent to help further promote the book. The bottom-line, for me, is to get people practicing Safe Computer Habits. By doing this, everyone can be a little more secure from malicious attacks on their computer. That is why I wrote the book Safe Computer Habits. I am committed to promote Safe Computer Habits through writing, speaking, teaching, and encouragement.

E.F. Cussins
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License

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