It looks like Barry Bonds career is over. He was taking steroids. His 762 home runs will forever have the mark of being drug induced.
It is official,Barry Bonds lied. He lied to millions of baseball fans. He lied to the baseball commission. He lied to the United States Congress. He lied to himself, thinking he could get away from the truth.
We can't fully blame Barry Bonds. The pressure is so great to excel in sports, work, and life we are all looking for something that will give that little edge. Sports figures are tempted with steroids.
I did a little research. I could not find any cost number for professional sports. However, a high school football team testing for steroids have an budget expense from $7,000 to 9,000 per season. That is a lot of money for any high schools budget.
Baseball players having the pressure to perform. Leagues having the pressure to keep everyone honest. Which means on a level drug free playing field. This is going to affect the cost of us who want to go and see a good honest game?
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