Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Battle to Secure Your Computer

Microsoft’s new operating system Vista is due out in just a couple of months. Norton and McAfee are angry. If Microsoft has it’s way third party security software products will no longer be needed. Microsoft put together an operating system that is so secure that Anti-virus, anti-spyware has programs are no longer needed.

The computer code was written by humans, but humans are imperfect. How can they create something that is perfect? It may look perfectly secure for a time. But I know the skills of black hat hackers will find a whole that break into the locked heart of the operating system.

A perfect product may sound like a great marketing sales pitch. It will have non-thinking sheep buy the product, but the reality of the situation will raise it’s not so pretty head to the embarrassments of corporate executives.

I believe it will be mid summer of 2007 before we will see some end to the wars between the computer security vendors and Microsoft. Will the courts allow Microsoft provide the security for their own operating system? Will the courts grant these other vendors force Microsoft to open the door for companies like Symantec and McAfee provide third party support when it comes to securing your computer?

I will not put Vista on my production computers until this issue is settled. I hope the issues will be resolved by mid 2007. Then I will feel more comfortable upgrading to Vista.

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