At one time multi-tasking was the way to get ahead in life. Doing more in less time is a great business model for making more money. A very few companies have succeeded at accomplishing this. The average individual is headed for failure by to much multi-tasking. Multi-tasking learning has been proven lower retention and application.
Business can multi-task to gain and maintain the market share, but it take a high level of displine along with well define rolls. Nestle SA dominance in the food industry has succeeded. However, Microsoft maybe is trying to do too much in a very complex industry.
Think about it. Operating systems are very complex piece of software. Making it user friendly is a tall task. Making business software that is flexible enough to adapt to most every business need takes super human ability. Granted Microsoft has done this control the market.
Now security and training must meet the end users needs. In the past few years Microsoft has added training for their users. Security, the most difficult task in all of the computer industry can not be done by subjective executives.
Security, no matter what field you are trying to keep secure needs to be done from object firm. Why do you think a security audit is most effective from someone who has no stake in the business they are auditing? They will be less likely to over look little loop holes. An objective auditor will always point out things that a subjective auditor will overlook.
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