I have read so many articles and books about marketing. I struggle with learning what marketing techniques will work in Boise Idaho. I have satisfied clients, but the volume is not where I need it.
It is not easy to find a nitch that fits the home office and small business market. Especially when the computer industry keeps changing. Hardware and software prices go up and down as bad as the stock market. This makes it difficult to give good service at a completive price.
Have you ever tried to hit a moving target? It is not easy! That is what it is like trying to find a nitch market in the computer/networking industry.
Then when I lease expect it, you hit a home run. A couple month back I launched a new website. Its name and title is "I Can Do Tech.com". The monthly unique visits for September blow me over. They rocketed beyond any of the other website I manage.
Maybe that kind of service is what people are looking?
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Trim The Fat
Every business comes to a point that in order to stay flexible they must trim the fat. The past few months has been a changing, adapting, metamorphosis for my business. Now that I have a clearer picture to what the business is changing into, the next step is to trim the fat from the websites.
TENSolutions.biz and EFCussins.com are the two major websites that are going to get trimmed. What is not read, will be trimmed. Content that is read and used will be expanded. Navigation will be made easer to find certain content. Readability and usability will be improved. YouTube will have some embedded tutorial on I can do tech.com.
Business is not a game, or a toy. A business has been referred to a war over attracting, providing for a good client, customer base. Where there is more completion, there is must be a more muscular business. Trimming the fat is one of the many steps for a clear, efficient business that provides services and goods to its clients new and old alike.
TENSolutions.biz and EFCussins.com are the two major websites that are going to get trimmed. What is not read, will be trimmed. Content that is read and used will be expanded. Navigation will be made easer to find certain content. Readability and usability will be improved. YouTube will have some embedded tutorial on I can do tech.com.
Business is not a game, or a toy. A business has been referred to a war over attracting, providing for a good client, customer base. Where there is more completion, there is must be a more muscular business. Trimming the fat is one of the many steps for a clear, efficient business that provides services and goods to its clients new and old alike.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Slave To The Business
I was talking to a couple that own a business. Their lives are so consumed with the business that their social life evolves around the business. I know owning a business can suck the owner into a form of slavery to that business. This is what I saw, as I spoke with this couple.
In our high pressured society a business owner has to be on top of every little detail. If not those details will get out of control. However, there must be a time for family.
Many years ago, I had my first business. I became a slave to it. I had lost my marriage. My wife, at the time, told me she was kicking me out, and wanted a divorce. She did it by writing me a note, then put it in my Day Timer. It was three days before I saw it. That is being a slave and consumed!
Whatever stage of growth a business is in, there must be time to spent outside of the business. It is a struggle, fight, a near impossible task, but it must be done.
In our high pressured society a business owner has to be on top of every little detail. If not those details will get out of control. However, there must be a time for family.
Many years ago, I had my first business. I became a slave to it. I had lost my marriage. My wife, at the time, told me she was kicking me out, and wanted a divorce. She did it by writing me a note, then put it in my Day Timer. It was three days before I saw it. That is being a slave and consumed!
Whatever stage of growth a business is in, there must be time to spent outside of the business. It is a struggle, fight, a near impossible task, but it must be done.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Today - It is good
A cup of coffee and good music sets the tone for a new day. I have listen to a chapter from the Bible. I reflected on the yesterday. I plan today's activities, while my cat (Princess) sits on my lap. She likes to oversee my early morning.
Yesterday, was mostly behind my computer. Setting up email accounts, domain names, and other stuff on the server for my clients. I, even, got to spend some time to catch up on my continual education thru listing to podcasts and videos.
Today is going to be a day on the road. Teaching, coaching, and discussing project details. Oh yes, making visits to a couple friends and people I owe.
At the end of the day I will get home to my family. We will watch some of the new television shows. Then we will go to bed. I will turn my face to the wall and thank God His mercy. I will thank God for giving my health back to me. Then I will fall to sleep.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I Love To Teach/Coach
I love to teach. I love to teach adults new skills they thought they would never have or do. The eyes of a student when they open their first email is very fulfilling.
I love to coach. I love to see an individual go beyond perceived limitation. A client who takes basic computer knowledge, then along with my advice, direction and encouragement sets up their own music list, on a computer. Then uses that music for background while working.
My pain, frustration and struggle is and inward fight to get through this life. Helping another forces me to reach beyond myself. To see an individual grow, expand, reach beyond the perceived limitations makes my problems so small. It is as if in their growth pulls me up to a new level of confidence, and growth in my own life.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Passion For Internet Security
My passion, my work, and my life is not just to get through x number of years and die. I want to make a difference in people lives. For most of my life that difference has been on the negative side. Now I want those I come in contact leave in a better state.
Yesterday, as the result of a call for help, I sent out an email to over a hundred people about a old internet scam that was resurrected infecting computers. It was putting popups on the monitor telling people their computer was infected and they needed to buy their software to get the infection clean. After the money was paid the popup would go away with a more hidden piece of spyware would be installed on the computer.
Last night I got an email that I had sold some premium security software to someone I do not know. In a city that I have not been. Recommended by a company I know very little. I felt good that I have that level of influence.
It is not building my reputation, or fame. I want to see people safe when they open the web browser to reach out on the Internet. It is no different than a city's chamber of commerce group pointing out the good place to eat and shop when you visit a their city. I just want to be that tour guide, pointing out the good and bad of the Internet. Giving some safety tips along the way.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Monday is not is not a reboot. Monday is not a refresh. Mondays is like a race car and driver come off pit row with new tires and a fresh tank of gas.
Saturday and Sunday, especially, is the time to get away from the pressures of work. It is a time to get recharged for another week of fighting traffic, bill collectors, and those difficult situations.
Despite all of the pressure and difficulties last week was a really fantastic week. However, I can not rely on the successes of last week to ride through this week. If I want to continue to have weeks last week I must press forward to have more.
Sunday is the time I use to reflect and rest up for this week. Monday is when I start to build on the good of last week.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Prepared for Thieft
There is a time in every business that I have ever owned where a customer or client was in a last minute jam. Their life or business came to a complete stand still. They call me with a desperate, "HELP!" Most of the time I knew they could not afford a triple rate hourly rate, for working after hours.
I would respond with the best tools and resources at my disposal. Most of the time the problem was solved or patched until the next regular business day. I was see and hear from the customer a big, Thank You of appreciation.
The next regular business day, when the near disaster was still in their mind I would set down with them and talk about disaster preparedness. Not just for big earth shattering, but for those big earth shattering ones in our lives.
Yesterday was one of those days. The customer is going to get a little heart to heart talk. We are going to work into his budget preventive and reactive tools to reduce the affect of his computer from having massive failure.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
- Listen to what a customer has to say.
- Listen to what your friends are saying.
- Listen to what your wife or husband is saying.
- Listen to what your children are saying.
- Listen to the voice of God.
This week I was asked to do a bid for an upgrade of a server and 10 workstations. I spent over an hour listening and asking question of the contact person, employees, and owner. At the same time I was taking notes. Then I went home to do the bid.
It took me about 3 hours over a 12+ hour period to put the bid together. The first step was to put together a bid on what they asked. The second step was to review what each group was not saying. Compare it to the bid then make additions or adustments. The third step was to review how each person at the site made their comments to me.
You see it was more than listening to words, it was listening to how and when the words were said, along with the tone of voice. In my limited knowledge, I hoped to gained understanding of how each person networked with and without computers. This way I could tune my work to be the best fit for them.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday Revelation
Sometimes I am my own worst enemy. I forget to slow down and take what I think at the time is the easy road is actually the more difficult road.
There is a saying that he who doesn't stand for anything has no morals. Often times in my over willingness of helping and reduce conflict, suffer my own soul to corruption.
This I know is wrong, but I do it anyway. This I have got to change. I need to take my set up morals, and keep them as a basic guidelines.
It is Friday. Not a really good day to start an adjustment of my life. But it is better than not at all. Hopefully it is not to late.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Passion, Faith, and Success are three words that don't seem to want to mix. They are like oil and water. No matter how much you stir them afterwards they separate. Each to its own level in the jar.
My passion is helping people make the most of their computer. At the same time being safe. My faith is not yet seen. My success has gone in the reverse direction. There is none.
I get good feedback. I get pats on the back that I am on the right track. However, the creditors stand at my doorstep waiting to take everything that I have.
My prayer is not for me, but for my family. I am suppose to take care of them. Any volume of constant work is not their. Now I have to make more money in one day than I ever have. Now my faith has to pull success up.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Just In Time
At one time I worked for this company that had a buyer who believed in the moto, "Just in Time." It seemed that when parts or supplies can in it was within a hour of the time we needed them. Of course in winter, if a supply truck got held up because of snow, need supplies were late.
Life seems to have taken on that same philosophy. Work comes in, or money comes in just in time to pay a bill. Some call it living on the edge. Living pay check to pay check. But it is not a good thing, or is it?
In the Bible, when Moses and the Isrealites were crossing the wilderness they had to depend upon God daily for food and direction. My life has taken that turn. It is not easy, but my faith is increasing.
Just In Time forces me to put full trust in God supply the needs for my family.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Highs and Lows
If I have learn nothing else, business and life has its highs and lows. For every high point there is a low place.
Weekend sales usually out do that is sold during the week and especially on a Monday. Monday is like the recovery day for the rest of the week. Don't expect to make blockbuster sale numbers on Monday. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, is when most people are off work and spending their paycheck.
Whenever I go to an inspirational seminar or have a great time with family and friends, I have to expect a low period following. At first I thought that I might be bi-polar. It all turns out that to be part of the cycle of life.
I am writing on this subject as a reminder to myself. Monday was one of the low days. Money was spent, people were contacted, productive energy was expended, yet no dollars can into business. Watch later this week will hit a record breaking day!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Help In Time Of Struggle
We all struggle some more than others. What can help is talking with others that are going through struggles of their own. A support group for those who are struggling? If you want to call it that.
I remember a song from High School literature class. The choirs went something like, "No man is an island, no man stands alone." It is through that knowledge there is relief.
I remember a song from High School literature class. The choirs went something like, "No man is an island, no man stands alone." It is through that knowledge there is relief.
- Going to church on Sunday morning is not the complete answer.
- Praying to God for help and comfort is not the complete answer.
- Crying to a friend is not the complete answer.
- Going to a small support group is not the complete answer.
- The complete answer requires a combination of the above.
This past summer I went through some of the blackest times of my life. I was touched by Hades only to be allowed to live. My life will never be the same. I am slowly and surely walking away the gates of Hades. My faith grows. The struggle is still there, but I am making it through each struggle by the grace of God.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Struggling At 53
It has been said that life is man struggling against nature, against man, and staying alive. I have come to believe that more than ever.
Just when I think life is going to get easier, then a forgotten detail, or some social economic event brings about an increase in the struggling process.
A wasted, undisciplined youth has not made this year any easier. My heart still desires to reunite with distant family member. Even though those family member live within 10, 20, 300 miles away. I have fogotton when I saw them last not to mention what they look like.
Money, the business, present family, and God consume my thoughts. Not in that order. I still want to make things right with them all.
I still struggle. I crying out to God as I go to sleep asking for help. Help to be delivered me from myself. The biggest things that hinders me from struggling less is me.
Just when I think life is going to get easier, then a forgotten detail, or some social economic event brings about an increase in the struggling process.
A wasted, undisciplined youth has not made this year any easier. My heart still desires to reunite with distant family member. Even though those family member live within 10, 20, 300 miles away. I have fogotton when I saw them last not to mention what they look like.
Money, the business, present family, and God consume my thoughts. Not in that order. I still want to make things right with them all.
I still struggle. I crying out to God as I go to sleep asking for help. Help to be delivered me from myself. The biggest things that hinders me from struggling less is me.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
A Lot Of People Are Struggling
There are times when you think that you are just getting ahead of the rat race, then a call from a creditor or debt collection. There is an old bill or debt that slip my mind. All I would like to do is get ahead of the fire fighting stage.
The current state of our economy is quite depressing. The only relief is seeing that I am not in the only one that is struggling. After watch the national new, last night, there is a lot of other people who are in the same boat.
My business is computers, I watch different eBay and Craigslist to keep up the prices of used desktop and laptop computers. Yesterday, if I didn't know better I was watching the start of a depression. The used computer market was falling like a rock.
Then only real encouragement I get is when my wife looks at me, with a smile and say, "Things are going to get better."
The current state of our economy is quite depressing. The only relief is seeing that I am not in the only one that is struggling. After watch the national new, last night, there is a lot of other people who are in the same boat.
My business is computers, I watch different eBay and Craigslist to keep up the prices of used desktop and laptop computers. Yesterday, if I didn't know better I was watching the start of a depression. The used computer market was falling like a rock.
Then only real encouragement I get is when my wife looks at me, with a smile and say, "Things are going to get better."
Friday, September 14, 2007
I am not a 9 to 5 person
There are times I enjoy having my own business and then there are times I wish I could just get a 9 to 5 job. But the truth be told I am built more for the independence of owning my own business.
There is about one day a week where I am in the shop just in front of the computer, learning, writing, and looking for news ways to bring business. There is another day where I am just running errands; not bringing in money that day. The rest of the week is doing service calls.
One day I will make my first stop will be 5:30 am. The next day it may start at 8:30 and end at midnight. Then sometimes the first service call will be 10:30 am. Of course my day starts at 3 am on the average.
Why 3 am, you ask? That is when I get my first cup of coffee, listen to a chapter of the Bible, and do some writing. By 5 am I am starting to have breakfast. So if my first service call is not until 10 am, I am back in front of the computer or on the phone.
So tell me how I can squeeze in a 9 to 5 work day into what I do?
There is about one day a week where I am in the shop just in front of the computer, learning, writing, and looking for news ways to bring business. There is another day where I am just running errands; not bringing in money that day. The rest of the week is doing service calls.
One day I will make my first stop will be 5:30 am. The next day it may start at 8:30 and end at midnight. Then sometimes the first service call will be 10:30 am. Of course my day starts at 3 am on the average.
Why 3 am, you ask? That is when I get my first cup of coffee, listen to a chapter of the Bible, and do some writing. By 5 am I am starting to have breakfast. So if my first service call is not until 10 am, I am back in front of the computer or on the phone.
So tell me how I can squeeze in a 9 to 5 work day into what I do?
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Long Hours, Early Mornings
9 to 5, Monday thru Friday is for the faint hearted. The real strong person is the one who works long hours and early mornings. Why? They want more from life than wages.
The truck driver who works is FedEx has security of working for a large company. The independent long haul trucker trades that security for the self satisfaction accomplishment. The same goes for the painter, small shop owner, or anyone who has their own business.
As I woke up this morning I was thinking of a trucker movie of the 1970's. The name of the movie was Convoy. The name of the actors is not important. What is important was how they glamorized the spirit of the trucker. The unity, the loyalty the truckers felt for each of other, because they were struggling free spirit. They were earning a living by the sweat of their brow and their whits.
This is the true spirit that goes back through time. We should not let go. Yes, large corporations have their place. Some people are happy working their. But for me give me build a life with my own hands and mind. Something that my family and I can be proud that we built.
The truck driver who works is FedEx has security of working for a large company. The independent long haul trucker trades that security for the self satisfaction accomplishment. The same goes for the painter, small shop owner, or anyone who has their own business.
As I woke up this morning I was thinking of a trucker movie of the 1970's. The name of the movie was Convoy. The name of the actors is not important. What is important was how they glamorized the spirit of the trucker. The unity, the loyalty the truckers felt for each of other, because they were struggling free spirit. They were earning a living by the sweat of their brow and their whits.
This is the true spirit that goes back through time. We should not let go. Yes, large corporations have their place. Some people are happy working their. But for me give me build a life with my own hands and mind. Something that my family and I can be proud that we built.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Struggle Without Expected Results
Why do some people are just work and don't seem to get anywhere?
I know several people who are good folks. They work hard, but seem to be locked into a level of struggle. Then there are others who find a comfortable lifestyle. Both are good hearted people. What makes the difference?
Maybe it is that we all struggle. Some have a better lifestyle than others. Maybe some are comfortable in a certain lifestyle?
I remember my dad would not take a promotion where he worked. When I asked him about it, he would simple say that he didn't want the headaches. He did not want rise above the level we lived.
I don't have the answer. In my life I have struggled. I have fell on my face quite a few times. I am still here. I am working. I am struggling to get life's answers. This will more than likely will be the way I am until I shed this earthly shell.
I know several people who are good folks. They work hard, but seem to be locked into a level of struggle. Then there are others who find a comfortable lifestyle. Both are good hearted people. What makes the difference?
Maybe it is that we all struggle. Some have a better lifestyle than others. Maybe some are comfortable in a certain lifestyle?
I remember my dad would not take a promotion where he worked. When I asked him about it, he would simple say that he didn't want the headaches. He did not want rise above the level we lived.
I don't have the answer. In my life I have struggled. I have fell on my face quite a few times. I am still here. I am working. I am struggling to get life's answers. This will more than likely will be the way I am until I shed this earthly shell.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
9/11 Plus 6
Six years ago today a large portion of the world was change. It has and will never be the same again. Not just for the families of the lives that were lost. Not for the survivors of wreckage the followed. The lives of individuals who saw the smoky towers crumble through television and internet pictures.
The obvious affect is seen when you go to check in to take a airplane flight. What about the airline worker that are grounded because of emotional trauma? What about all the businesses whose flying policy for their employee changed?
We are still affected by the events on that day. But I go on. I have not flown on an airplane since. My travel has been limited to a car, and that is within a days journey. My wife does not say much, now. She is just starting to mention it would be nice to travel, but she mentions nothing about flying.
Life goes on. We make the best of what we have regardless what is happening in the world around us. We pray then walk out our front door each morning.
The obvious affect is seen when you go to check in to take a airplane flight. What about the airline worker that are grounded because of emotional trauma? What about all the businesses whose flying policy for their employee changed?
We are still affected by the events on that day. But I go on. I have not flown on an airplane since. My travel has been limited to a car, and that is within a days journey. My wife does not say much, now. She is just starting to mention it would be nice to travel, but she mentions nothing about flying.
Life goes on. We make the best of what we have regardless what is happening in the world around us. We pray then walk out our front door each morning.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Happy And Stretching My Mind
AA Mline the author of Winnie the Pooh rated the way people think. He considered a third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking. In the character Pooh Bear, you can read the struggle to be fire-rate.
As often as I wanted to be part of the majority, I seem to be part of the minority. Then there were times I felt my thinking was part of an island in the middle of an ocean of conformity that likes to complains.
Finding a business model, a subject to write about or even, taking a stand on an up unpopular issue is not easy. I often wonder if a nice 8 to 5 job would be better. I have done it. It was very stressful.
Now I am in debt. Slowly climbing out. But I have never been happier in my life. My dependence on God, time with my family, and having to use my brain has stretched be beyond what I could of have imagined.
As often as I wanted to be part of the majority, I seem to be part of the minority. Then there were times I felt my thinking was part of an island in the middle of an ocean of conformity that likes to complains.
Finding a business model, a subject to write about or even, taking a stand on an up unpopular issue is not easy. I often wonder if a nice 8 to 5 job would be better. I have done it. It was very stressful.
Now I am in debt. Slowly climbing out. But I have never been happier in my life. My dependence on God, time with my family, and having to use my brain has stretched be beyond what I could of have imagined.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A Time To Work and A Time Rest
The biggest temptation for be is to work and not rest. I get afraid of the slow times, so I want to keep working, so when a slow period hits I have a health reserve built. This usually pushing my family and my body to second place.
The last week or so I have been working everyday. A couple of days, at about 7 pm, I hit the wall. I was so tired that all I could to was fall on my bed and go to sleep. This was with the protest of my mind.
Then yesterday, I decided to rest unless someone called. No one called. That was good. I spent time with my family. I watched Jimmie Johnson win the NASCAR race. At first I was feeling guilty. Those feeling faded when I saw my daughter and wife enjoying a walking through a group of art exhibits in a local park.
The last week or so I have been working everyday. A couple of days, at about 7 pm, I hit the wall. I was so tired that all I could to was fall on my bed and go to sleep. This was with the protest of my mind.
Then yesterday, I decided to rest unless someone called. No one called. That was good. I spent time with my family. I watched Jimmie Johnson win the NASCAR race. At first I was feeling guilty. Those feeling faded when I saw my daughter and wife enjoying a walking through a group of art exhibits in a local park.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Don't tell me show me.
"Walk the walk and talk the talk."
"Don't tell me, show me"
"Money talks; bullshit walks."
"You shall know them by their fruits."
I could go on. All of the above chics tell us three things.
Friday, I set behind the poor soul who could not write the correct computer code. I was starting to have to teach them. I was getting paid to teach. The lack up skill was beyond what I could help them with in a couple of hours.
"Don't tell me, show me"
"Money talks; bullshit walks."
"You shall know them by their fruits."
I could go on. All of the above chics tell us three things.
- There are people who sell themselves as something their not.
- There are other sell themselves by their actions.
- The second group of people will get things done.
Friday, I set behind the poor soul who could not write the correct computer code. I was starting to have to teach them. I was getting paid to teach. The lack up skill was beyond what I could help them with in a couple of hours.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Core Values
January 1st is when people are to make resolutions for change and growth. After a couple of months the resolutions for change are just wishes for change. I never hear of anyone making a resolution at the end of the summer.
This past summer I has been such an inter core changing time, in my life. I have seen the need to upgrade three core values. The following values are ones.
This past summer I has been such an inter core changing time, in my life. I have seen the need to upgrade three core values. The following values are ones.
- Being happy - I am not going to allow myself to be overcome by sadness and depression. It brings down not only myself, but my family at the end of the day.
- Knowing what's important - This has to with keeping a proper perspective on life and what is happening around me. I can no longer walk around with rose colored glasses.
- Maintaining discipline - Taking care of business in a timely manner. Doing what I have to do, and going the extra mile to make sure it is done right. Not just in my eyes, but in the eyes of those whom it affects, also.
Another Case Why To Backup
Listening is very important. Not just to the words a person is saying, but to the meaning behind those words.
I received a phone call from a client who was upset. A few days before I was asked to clean dead and unused files from his computer. His voice, over the phone, was very angry. I had deleted some files that was important to him. He said that I had deleted all his invoices and mailing list.
I rushed over there. He was a little more calmer when I walked through the door. Now he was telling me there was only a couple of files he could not find.
Then I turned to him and asked for his memory stick with his backups. He looked at me with a blank look. After a couple of minutes he came from his office with it. I plugged it in the USB drive and produced the files he thought he had lost.
Yes, I did listen to him completely, before I started deleting files. When we scheduled the appointment, I asked him to do a back up of all his important files. This is another case for how important it is to back up regularly. If he had not backup those files they would have been lost.
I received a phone call from a client who was upset. A few days before I was asked to clean dead and unused files from his computer. His voice, over the phone, was very angry. I had deleted some files that was important to him. He said that I had deleted all his invoices and mailing list.
I rushed over there. He was a little more calmer when I walked through the door. Now he was telling me there was only a couple of files he could not find.
Then I turned to him and asked for his memory stick with his backups. He looked at me with a blank look. After a couple of minutes he came from his office with it. I plugged it in the USB drive and produced the files he thought he had lost.
Yes, I did listen to him completely, before I started deleting files. When we scheduled the appointment, I asked him to do a back up of all his important files. This is another case for how important it is to back up regularly. If he had not backup those files they would have been lost.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
A Smile For A Smile
A smile for a smile, a frown for a frown. You can create your own work environment. You don't have to be overtake with the negativity of others.
In my travels, the most productive people are the most positive. Those who have a frown or walk around with a cloud over their head are the ones who accomplish little. I believe it is because they are so bound up with negative emotions, they can not do much. Certainly they are not flexible to adjust to change and adapt to what is happening around them.
This is especially true when it comes to a individual or small business. The virtue of a smile and a willingness to change makes the difference. I have lost track how many times I have to change, adapt with a smile. Looking back it was all for a good reason. I am better off today, because I did.
In my travels, the most productive people are the most positive. Those who have a frown or walk around with a cloud over their head are the ones who accomplish little. I believe it is because they are so bound up with negative emotions, they can not do much. Certainly they are not flexible to adjust to change and adapt to what is happening around them.
This is especially true when it comes to a individual or small business. The virtue of a smile and a willingness to change makes the difference. I have lost track how many times I have to change, adapt with a smile. Looking back it was all for a good reason. I am better off today, because I did.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Music Video Says Its All
It is hard to express to non-technical savvy people. Business owner, and Geek devoted to help non-technical people with their computers can be difficult. At the end of the day my energy is low.
Once in a while something comes along that makes me feel like I am understood. I have share the video with a few friends. They are now convinced that I am off my rocker. Click on the link Hard Meets Soft and judge for yourself.
Once in a while something comes along that makes me feel like I am understood. I have share the video with a few friends. They are now convinced that I am off my rocker. Click on the link Hard Meets Soft and judge for yourself.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Labor Day the Day of Work??
I could never understand why on Labor Day so many don't do any labor (or work). When they were putting together a day to take off from work, they must of have run out of names. So the day to mark the end of summer was named Labor Day. It has been observed since September 5, 1882.
Well, this Labor Day, I am working. So many people took off this weekend. I was quite busy Saturday. I have to work on Labor Day to make up for the lack of workers. Thank God I was able to rest on Sunday.
Today, I am going to spend half of the day with my family. We are headed to the miniature golf course for some good old fashion fun. I am not going to let the rest of the nation take the today off while I slave behind a computer.
Well, this Labor Day, I am working. So many people took off this weekend. I was quite busy Saturday. I have to work on Labor Day to make up for the lack of workers. Thank God I was able to rest on Sunday.
Today, I am going to spend half of the day with my family. We are headed to the miniature golf course for some good old fashion fun. I am not going to let the rest of the nation take the today off while I slave behind a computer.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
What Is The Perspective?
Perspective is everything when talking with anybody. Yesterday, I did five business transactions. Each one was a little different. The people, the surrounding, the service, the merchandise, and urgency all affected how the transactions was handled.
Did you know that every computer is a little different. The combination of hardware components, the combination of software programs, and the environmental conditions all affect how that particular computer reacts in any set of circumstances.
When it comes to any interaction, in my life, personal or mechanical, I must keep in the back of my mind what is affecting my perspective along with what is affecting those around me. Otherwise I will never really understand what is really going at that time.
Did you know that every computer is a little different. The combination of hardware components, the combination of software programs, and the environmental conditions all affect how that particular computer reacts in any set of circumstances.
When it comes to any interaction, in my life, personal or mechanical, I must keep in the back of my mind what is affecting my perspective along with what is affecting those around me. Otherwise I will never really understand what is really going at that time.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Awake Yet Rested
It is 3:11 am. I am wide awake yet I am rested and excited for today.
I know this is a Labor Day Weekend. Most people are getting out of town for one last time to end the summer. Not me, I have a full day of service calls. I am currently booked from 9 am to 6 pm. I think it is great!
The summer was so dead when it came to work. I was sick, almost to the point of death. My wife was so upset she could hardly work. In fact she was fired from her job for being so stressed. She was worried that she would lose me. There was little money, we had started praying for food and gas, just to get from one day to the next.
I am so excited that I can not sleep! I will have a $250 to $400 day. I want to make sure all the invoices are printed. There is enough time between each service call so I don't have put anyone real late.
Well, I better get to work, maybe I can get another hour or two before I have to get on the road.
I know this is a Labor Day Weekend. Most people are getting out of town for one last time to end the summer. Not me, I have a full day of service calls. I am currently booked from 9 am to 6 pm. I think it is great!
The summer was so dead when it came to work. I was sick, almost to the point of death. My wife was so upset she could hardly work. In fact she was fired from her job for being so stressed. She was worried that she would lose me. There was little money, we had started praying for food and gas, just to get from one day to the next.
I am so excited that I can not sleep! I will have a $250 to $400 day. I want to make sure all the invoices are printed. There is enough time between each service call so I don't have put anyone real late.
Well, I better get to work, maybe I can get another hour or two before I have to get on the road.
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