Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sunrise or Sunset?

The only difference between sunrise and sunset is me.

If I am standing where the sun is coming to me. It is rising. If I am standing where the sun is going away from me. Then the sun is setting.

Could it be my future, my prosperity all depends upon where I place myself on this earth. If I place myself in front of the movement of a market trend. Then it will like the ocean wave pick me up and carry me along. If I place myself behind that ocean wave, it will just leave me there to fight for survival on my own, with little or no help.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Business Requires Hard Choices

I have never called myself a business person. I prefer, teacher, technical adviser, technical engineer. But I have always hated the term business man or person. I would rather someone else do that part.

When starting EFCussins.com, TEN Solutions, and more recently I Can Do Tech.com, my goal was to help people. My desire was to make a living from people with their computer problems. I have gotten some work, but not the volume that I need to sustain a business.

I have not given up on helping individual with their computer needs! As a business model, I don't know how that is going to work. I see, and hear need from the Baby-boomer generation. I want to take it beyond a popper, struggling level. I want to have an enriched service for everyone that calls me.

Oh yes, I need the volume of clients to dollars that will support my family.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Recovery, Redirection, and Faith

When I get sick, I usually come out of it more spiritually mined. This week is no different than before.

I am not running around shouting "Jesus Saves". I start in a slow patient way looking on how I can improve the way I deal with my business issues. I pray for divine guidance on daily activities. I am taking each day for that day.

I have to walk these days by faith. Work was so little that after being sick for almost two weeks, my wife, daughter, and I and be living on the streets, if enough completed work does not come in.

I have made hundreds of cold sales, with less than 1/2 of 1% return. Now I am just putting to God to send me work I need to pay the bills.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I Have Been Sick

I have been sick and I hated it. The past almost two weeks put me on my back to the point. I hated to lay in bed. I hated watching TV. At one point I was starting to hate my body for making me sick.

Now that I am feeling better the Eternal Optimism in me is starting to rise again. I start asking my self why did I get sick and what good and come out of being sick.
  • Why did I get sick? I most likely got sick from over stretching my physical abilities. I was forced to take time and rest where I would not otherwise.
  • What did I learn from being sick? Every time that I am sick, I usually have to slow down to look at spiritual and family aspects of my life. This has been one such time.
  • What am I going to do differently? Well, I am going to do more with less, or just not do it. My family and spiritual time is an important part of my daily routine. These are two things I have really lost sight. In losing this sight I was losing on all sides of my life.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A business can not be build by one individiual. It Takes Team Work.

The old myth that a business could be built on the shear will of one individual is not true. It takes a support staff. Friends and family back emotionally and financially.

The business of a small business owner does not have a constant income. It is all a matter of building surplus during the business times to take you through the low times. The businesses that fail are the ones that learn this

Monday, July 09, 2007

Build Your Work On A Solid Foundation

Yesterday, in church, the pastor talked about the two builders that built their houses. One was on sand. The other in solid rock.

I have heard the parable more times than I dare to count. I have read it myself even more.

Yesterday, I saw it in a new light. I was not going to just apply to my meager spiritual life. I was going to apply the principle to my professional life. It is going to take some time to get to the level, I feel it is where it needs to be.

Today, I have been chiseling in that hard bed rock to make a professional life that my children and wife can be happy they are part of my life.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Everybody Got's a Blog!!

I don' know about you but every time I turn around I find someone new with a blog. Along with this increase in blogger, there comes and increasing number of blogs about making money doing blogs.

Like a pipe dream, professional bloggers are for a very few, of whom I am not one. I make my money doing websites, and helping small business with their computer issues. I have this blog as a personal journal of my journeys of a small businessman.

Like hand written journals of old, blogs are a good things. Blogs let people, who may not see me and can keep track of what is happening with my professional life experience.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Pole Climbing

Several years ago, I attended a personal development workshop along the beach of Santa Cruz, CA. One of the growth exercises was to climb a pole and stand on top of it.

It was quite safe. We had helmets, and climbing harnesses. So if we fell we would just hang from the rope and climbing harness.

I got only half way up the pole before I froze in fear. I could not finish the exercise. My fear of heights had overtaken me. My failure was video taped to be a reminder to everyone else who took that course. I left that seminar as an example of loser that gives into their fears.

Today, I am forced to face my fears of failure. I can not afford to be an example of failure. I can not accept anything less than conquering my fears and get to the top of that pole.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Vista is Getting Better

Today, I was asked to hook up a new Hp Vista computer to a wireless network. At first I started sweating, when the local computer stores did not have in stock what Hp recommended for a wireless adapter. The more research I did on the web didn't give me much confidence, either.

I sucked it up and went out to the job site this morning. To my surprise the whole process went off like textbook. I was glad I didn't have to file share with any other computer. The office had two ME, one XP computer, and one Apple OSX. Oh yes their were a couple other Windows 98SE computers.

I left feeling that in the next year or two I could have the whole office on Vista, with the exception of the Apple and XP computer.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Indenpendance Day

Did anyone ever see that Movie Independence Day? It was great. It was a good reminder what we celebrate the 4th of July.

The BB Q's, the watermelon, the time with family and friends are nice, but we need to take the time to set back and remember those who fought and died for us.

I need to be reminded. On Sunday about our creator. On the Memorial Day about the soldiers who died so we could have our freedom. On Labor Day about how are we really work. On Thanksgiving, about being thankful for what I got.

Holiday Days are not day of no work, but a time to remember what is important to us.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Most Used Symbol @

efcussins@yahoo.com, Leo@myemalHome.com even jane@hotmail.com, make the most used symbol in the world to day. Think about it!

How many emails do you receive and send during one 24 hour period. They all have to have @ in the middle. Separating the addressees mailbox name from the home of that mailbox.

I remember first using @ as a shorthand symbol. It's history is not easy to find. But it is good to know I can hold down the Shift key and press the number 2 key above the Q and W to get @. @ is in the middle and above.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Monday of a Short Week

Short weeks are one that a holiday at one end or in the middle. It is hard to get motivation going. Monday, and Tuesday is getting up to speed. Wednesday shifts gear for enjoyment of the holiday. Thursday and Friday becomes a mad house rush to catch up with the work volume needed for the week.

Trying to plan this week with productive energy is hard.